Trusting God

ImageDo not look forward in fear to the changes in life; rather, look to them with full hope that as they arise, God, whose very own you are, will lead you safely through all things; and when you cannot stand it, God will carry you in His arms.

Do not fear what may happen tomorrow; the same understanding Father who cares for you today will take care of you then and every day.

He will either shield you from suffering or will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace, and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations.

When I read this I thought it is true, we should be more open to the lord and he wisdom, and know he is looking after us, despite suffering, he does give us unfailing strength to cope with suffering, and sadness, where would we be if we didn’t have our faith, our contestant company with Christ?

He carries us in the storms of life, and wraps his arms around us when we are down and sad, giving us the courage to keep going despite the falls we have each day ..

let us continue to be open and trust, even when we feel we can not.

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Saint Therese