Blessed to be in Melbourne watching the tennis
Resting till going to watch tennis again tonight
Melbourne is a beautiful city

Gaps gas bless us in so many ways
Forever grateful

Summer Holidays

Imagewe are being blessed to be able to go to the Tennis in Melbourne, leaving tomorrow and so looking forward to going, having a night with my cousin on the way…Even though it is terrible with the heat, it is a blessing we are able to get away for a while, have the camera all ready and just happy to be having this time away/ I will be posting many photos when on my return,/ God has given us a beautiful country, in Australia, I ask lord you send us bountiful rain as it is so very dry, and give us a safe journey and we safely return home.


Being aware of God love for us

ImageToday I attended a friends sisters funeral, Sr. laurel, a beautiful person, she was a sister of Mercy at Singleton, AS I LISTERNED TO ONE OF THE SISTER GIVE A TALK on Sister Laurel, I thought to my self, the Gentleness of Sister L was beyond words, she was always their for others, even in her weeks of her own suffering, she never once complained, this is where you would find God, in others, how simple it is to be open and listen to the word of God and know we come across people and they leave an ever lasting impression, on us, this is where you find God,

Have you ever come across some one who has touch your life? And afterward you relies, this was Jesus, Walking with our God is so important, letting him enter into our lives, and helping us alone our journey

I am so happy that I do have God in my life, and is here to help me though the ups and downs of every day life. may we be always aware of Gods Love for us//.

Being Aware of God love for us

Today I attended a friends sisters funeral, Sr. laurel, a beautiful person, she was a sister of Mercy at Singleton,
AS I LISTERNED TO ONE OF THE SISTER GIVE A TALK on Sister Laurel, I thought to my self, the Gentleness of Sister L was beyond words, she was always their for others, even in her weeks of her own suffering, she never once complained, this is where you would find God, in others, how simple it is to be open and listen to the word of God and know we come across people and they leave an ever lasting impression, on us, this is where you find God,

Have you ever come across some one who has touch your life? And afterward you relies, this was Jesus,
Walking with our God is so important, letting him enter into our lives, and helping us alone our journey

I am so happy that I do have God in my life, and is here to help me though the ups and downs of every day life.
may we be always aware of Gods Love for us//.

In the evening …

In the evening of life we will be Judged on love~ St John of the Cross`~


Knowing God loves me.

The last few days I have been contemplation on life, on a lot of sadness which I endured last yeat, and of losing a few friends, though no fault of mine, a misunderstand, and non forgiveness, but I have moved on, I have left it in the Lords good hands, and asked him to blessed those people who have deeply hurt me.

On Wednesday I was compelled to go to Mass, and pray for my friends who sister was dying, I have not been to church for a while, and I thought even though I have stayed away, I know God still loves me.

So I walked into the church sat down and started to say a few prayers before Mass started, but a strange thing happened to me, as I was praying, this feeling come over me, a feeling of peace, of acceptance and love, I knew straight away it was Jesus, I felt as if he was sitting next to me holding me, all of a sudden the sadness left me and I knew Jesus  was happy I was back, and an feeling of peace just stayed with me all the mass, and I felt a different side.

I have come to realise I can not leave my faith, it is to precious to me and God needs me as much as I need him.

We all need God in our life, we need to be open to the Holy Spirit, and know that each day we wont get thought the day with out asking God to help us, to be with us and guide us though the day.

Its simply beautiful to just sit and meditate on how much God loves us.

 I pray that my Faith will grow stronger, and I thank God each day for his gift of his love he has for me …..



A prayer of love and openess

 by Fr. Bob Colaresi, O. Carm.

God of Love. I try so hard to love You! I try so hard to please You! I work so hard to earn Your love. Yet it is humbling how freely given is your love. It is humbling and freeing to be confronted by the more powerful truth that You are Love – that You love us in Jesus, not for what we do, but simply because You love us! I stand silent before the awesome power of being loved!!! You take the initiative – You empty Yourself in love, offering Yourself to us in Jesus. Only when I love am I of You! When I love, Jesus is loving in and through me. In the Mark Gospel, you showed us the way of love – the way of Eucharist – the way of Your reign: that sharing what we have is food for others. You teach us not to hoard the resources You have given us, not to put our personal needs before the most basic needs of others – but to trust Your loving providence, with the faith and hope that there will be more than enough for everyone. Loving and Generous Jesus, sometimes I think it would be easier if you just intervened and multiplied things to feed everyone. But you demand to work your miracles and create your reign through us, sharing and establishing justice. Your Kingdom of love is a kingdom of generosity and justice. Today, make me as loving and self-emptying as you are! Be love through me!

The Feast of the Ephiphany

Today’s feast of the Epiphany that remembers Magi following the light of the star that lead to the infant Jesus. The Gospel makes it clear that wise men and women have always searched for answers to the big questions about God, the universe and ourselves. Even astronomers and cosmologists, men of reason, need faith. To find Christ who is true Wisdom, even they need light from heaven. A truly Catho…lic approach to truth needs God and man, heavenly angels and earthly shepherds, faith and reason, science and religion, old and new, familiar and exotic. If there is wisdom in the latest science or the oldest Scriptures we embrace them both. Christ comes in this Christmas season as Light from Light, True God from True God. May you, also be lights to the nations, enlightenment for every confused mind, warmth for every dark heart. ~Bishop Anthony Fisher~
When I was reading this, I thought To my self, we all search for answers to the big questions about God, We all need Faith, we need to follow Jesus Wisdom. be a light to all nations, and be a people of Hope and love to every dark Heart,
May we be open to the God of light, Hope and love and know that in our hour of darkness, he will be with us though it and hold us up in the palms of his hands..




Trusting God

ImageDo not look forward in fear to the changes in life; rather, look to them with full hope that as they arise, God, whose very own you are, will lead you safely through all things; and when you cannot stand it, God will carry you in His arms.

Do not fear what may happen tomorrow; the same understanding Father who cares for you today will take care of you then and every day.

He will either shield you from suffering or will give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace, and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations.

When I read this I thought it is true, we should be more open to the lord and he wisdom, and know he is looking after us, despite suffering, he does give us unfailing strength to cope with suffering, and sadness, where would we be if we didn’t have our faith, our contestant company with Christ?

He carries us in the storms of life, and wraps his arms around us when we are down and sad, giving us the courage to keep going despite the falls we have each day ..

let us continue to be open and trust, even when we feel we can not.

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Saint Therese